Donate Today

Your 100% tax deductible one-time or monthly donations will enable us to truly transform the lives of these single mothers and help them move them from struggling to thriving.

You can make a difference

Since its inception in 2017, Tabitha Reach has been helping struggling single moms in impoverished countries by empowering them to become self-sufficient.  With the help of supportive individuals we have been able to rent a home in Addis Abba, Ethiopia that is serving as a training site for women to learn skills to start and develop their own businesses. We’re currently seeking to raise $100,000 to cover our plan for the next 12 months to do the following:

  • mentor over 75 women

  • furnish the Addis Ababa home (and make it a comfortable, safe space for the women)

  • purchase a refrigerator (so that we can provide healthy meals to the women)

  • buy a washing machine and dryer

  • buy office equipment and supplies (for educational development)

  • recruit and pay local certified life coaches

  • give transportation money to participant women

  • provide meals during meeting

Please consider giving to Tabitha Reach as a one-time gift or monthly. Each donation makes the future for these women brighter.


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