Tabitha provides hope through direct, personal connections; creating financial independence and empowerment.
Struggling single mothers from the same neighborhood meet twice a week in a group setting that includes teaching, discussions, assignments, fellowship and lunch – with childcare provided.
Trained local coaches meet with each group member weekly for mentorship and follow up. Over the course of two years, the curriculum addresses many different aspects of their struggles and teaches them about their value, self-identity, hygiene, raising children, earning money, saving and investing.
The women receive training and resources to pursue income generating opportunities such as sewing and baking. The ideas come from the women, Tabitha provides support and encouragement.

As part of the Tabitha Reach curriculum they form groups of approximately 20 struggling single mothers each, generally from the same neighborhood, and takes them through its 6-month program covering 5 fundamental tracks. The development program is carried out by a team composed with local resources who understand the local culture. The groups meet twice a week for 4-6 hours each time including group discussions, learning an income generating skillset and enjoy a balanced meal, usually the only balanced meal they have during the week.
Significance, Courage, Empower, Value, Self-image, Identity,…
Trade, Saving, Investing, Budgeting, Profit, Sewing training, Embroidery training, Cooking training…
Hygiene, Disease prevention, Family planning, Nutrition…
Communication with children, Children education, Child abuse, Child labor…
Serving others, Helping neighbors, Community service, Friendship…
In addition to the group meetings, each woman is also being mentored on a one-on-one basis throughout the program, including several home visits by the local team. Throughout the 6-month program, each woman’s progress is reported for each of the 5 tracks, and always looking for ways to make progress and achieve goals that were initially set.
Each week, women attending the program get a small amount of money to cover the cost of transportation and to teach them the concept of saving and investing. At the end of the 6-month program, based on how regular her attendance to the meetings was, each woman will get seed money to help her jump start her business based on her business plan established with the help of the local team and based on her vocation and ideas. In some cases, business opportunities & connections are also provided by Tabitha Reach to the graduates allowing them to start making income right away. In the future, Tabitha Reach may also offer micro-loans to their graduates.
“We are ALL equal. Regardless of socioeconomic or class background, we all have great value.”
We believe that positively impacting women ultimately lifts their children, families, communities, society and their country. We are constantly encouraged by the stories we hear of how our coaches are enabling women to gain confidence and skills, thus providing new opportunities in the lives of these women and in the lives of their children.
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